Monday, January 21, 2013

Whole30 Day 4

I am in the middle of my work week, and I am noticing how easy I get out of bed when my alarm goes off. Before I would snooze 2 or 3 times, or get up at the last possible moment. Now my alarm goes off and I lay in bed, check a few things on my phone and go about my day. It has been one of my favorite changes so far, it used to take me literally hours to fully wake up and feel like the fog has lifted. Now about mid-shower I'm feeling alert and ready. It is awesome!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Whole30 Day3

Not a whole lot of content today, no major cravings or issues. I saw a recipe for coconut creamer a fews back so I thought I'd give it a try. Came out pretty good, its no half and half, but what is? I think next time I am going to add cocoa.

1T coconut oil
1 can full fat coconut milk
1 egg
Splash of vanilla extract

Add all ingredients to a blender and whip into a frenzy. Keep cold, shake before each use. Good for about a week, being that it has raw egg in it.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Whole30 Day 2

Day 2 was weird, I didn't get a very good nights sleep, and was not sure how that would effect my day. About half way through the day I completely crashed and just laid on the couch half awake wanting junk food. But I prevailed! I took a nap, had a cup of coffee and made an amazing dinner. I had no recipe to follow or modify, so I created something with what I had. Ended up with pork chops and mushroom gravy.

2 pork chops, about 1" thick
Whatever spices you like, I used thyme, salt, garlic powder, and pepper

2T coconut oil
2 heaping spoonfuls of almond meal
Handful of mushrooms (I used 3), chopped
Slice of onion, diced
3T or so of broth (I had chicken on hand so I used that)

Heat skillet on medium low, add coconut oil
Season pork chops as you see fit, place in oil and cover
Cook about 8-9 minutes a side
Remove chops from skillet and tent with foil
Keep skillet over heat and add broth, once it comes back up to temp add onions and mushrooms
Let simmer a few minutes until mushrooms are cooked through and add almond meal, whisking mixture until thickens slightly and almond meal breaks up a bi
Remove from heat and top pork chops

Sorry about the purple cauliflower! The store did not have regular, and I felt like I was eating play dough. Any-who, I steamed the cauliflower, and blended it with garlic, salt, and chicken broth. For the brussel sprouts I tossed in olive oil, salt and pepper, and cooked for 35 minutes at 400 degrees, making sure to shake the cookie sheet every five or so to roast evenly.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Whole30 Day 1

First day! Feeling pretty good, and excited to try this whole thing out. I won't be going too crazy with the words here, just a few thoughts and feelings or changes I encounter along my journey. I won't have recipes everyday as I work 12 hour shifts and will be on left overs, but on my days off I try my best to post what I'm trying. I cut out all sugar a week ago, and already had a mild withdrawal from it, so I am hoping this wont be too difficult. Just bothersome difficult, then awesome! Heres to healthy eating! Original recipe:

Whole30 version: Here

4 chicken thighs, or whatever chicken you prefer, the total weight was just under 2lbs

In the bowl:
Juice from half a lemon
3 garlic cloves
1T Coconut oil, warm slightly to melt if needed
1t salt
1t fresh thyme, off the stems finely chopped

In the crockpot:
Juice from other half of lemon, plus rinds, quartered
4 or 5 garlic cloves, whole. Skin on or off, your choice
1 cube veggie bouillon
2 sprigs fresh thyme
2T coconut aminos
1/4c chicken stock

2 sprigs rosemary, left out until last 30minutes of cooking

Rinse chicken off with cool water and run pieces through the herbs and oil that were placed in the bowl, if skin is on be sure to get some of the mixture between skin and meat.
If using a whole chicken place the lemon quarters, a few garlic cloves and some sprigs in the cavity before placing in crockpot.
Cook on high for 4 hours or until done. Mine took about two hours, 165 internal temp.
Let chicken rest for 15-20 minutes before eating. If you wish to make gravy do this now but substitute the 1/4C flour with almond meal or anything Whole30 friendly.

The original recipe called for a whole chicken but I chose chicken thighs.
I also used veggie bouillon because I could not find a chicken version that did not contain sugar. Be careful when buying chicken stock as well, hidden sugar!
I did not with hold rosemary until last 30 minutes of cooking, mainly because I forgot, but I don't feel it took away from over all flavor.
Once chicken hit temp I put them under the broiler for a few minutes to crisp skin up, then rested for twenty minutes.

I accompanied the chicken with roasted broccoli and sweet potatoes. Both lightly tossed with olive oil and salt.

Friday, January 28, 2011

First Sourdough loaf

Yesterday evening I took the starter out of the fridge and after about two hours I fed it, without discarding any because I knew I needed 2C for my recipe. So I fed it 3oz of water, 1oz rye, and 2oz flour and left it sit overnight. Here is what it looked like about noon when I started measuring out my 2C.

2C starter
4t sugar
2t salt
3C more or less of flour

I only got about two cups of flour in before it started to get angry at me, so I stopped there, rounded it out, through it in a bowl and started to play the waiting game. Around 4pm I decided it had doubled in size and shaped it. Threw it in a slightly warm oven with a bowl of hot water and waited another hour and half. Removed the bowl of water and plastic wrap. Gave it a very light coat of olive oil and turned the oven on 350. Kept an eye on it, turned it at about 15 minutes or so. Let the other side brown up and foiled the top and turned the oven down to 325 and cooked it another 15-20 or so. Overall the bread is rather dense, and I should have used less flour and/or had more moisture. Flavor wise it is good, tons of flavor.

Sourdough Starter!

Day 4

Or bread monster as I like to call it. In culinary school we created a SD starter, but being too busy and foolish I discarded it in the garbage and went about my merry way. So I decided to try my hand at it again. Started on January 15th with 3oz of water, and 3oz of organic flour, and left it sit for 24 hours. After 24 hours I would discard 3oz, and add 3 more ounces of water and flour. I did this for several days, and on day four I noticed it starting to work. Bubbles!

Day 6
On day four I stopped measuring    how much I was discarding and discarded all but about 2T to 1/4cup and started adding 6oz of water and 6oz flour. On day five I was reading about starters and most people had used organic flour and rye flour. I had rye flour lying around so I started putting it in the mix. Here is what day 6 looked like. I discarded most, and added 6oz of water, 5oz of flour and 1oz of rye flour.

Continuing with the 6, 5, and 1oz, on the 8th day I fed it one last time and put it in the fridge.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Flax Seed Wheat Bread

Tried another recipe from The Fresh Loaf, a wheat bread with flax seeds. I only had flax meal, not whole seeds so I cut down the amount from 100g to about 25g. I also used 2t of honey instead of malt powder. Mixed for about 3 minutes on speed 1 and about 5 minutes on speed 2. Did not bake nearly as long as the recipe indicated. Baked about 25 minutes total. It made one small boule. My crumb does not look like theirs, but I'm guessing its because I used the flax meal, and honey. They did not indicate mixing times, so I was just winging it off of previous bread I have made and checking for window pane. I love the crust ring in the second photo. Pretty flavorful bread, would go well with a soup or stew, it is just begging to be dunked in something yummy.