Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cheesy garlic muffins

I made some cheesy garlic muffins tonight to go with dinner. Very tasty!

1.5 cups flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1.5 tablespoon sugar
.5 teaspoon salt
.5 stick melted butter
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 cup milk
1 egg
2 cups cheese
375 oven
mix all dry ingredients together, add cheese. Mix butter, egg, and milk together then add to dry ingredients and stir. Place in muffin pan and bake 20 minutes. Mine were done at 18minutes so watch them. I melted some butter and added garlic powder and garlic salt and brushed tops of muffins after I took them out of the oven. Makes 12.


  1. this looks amazing. i think i am going to have to make your muffins.

  2. They were super yummy. The dough is pretty thick, if you dont want to muffin them, you might be able to just drop them on a cookie sheet. Just to rip off Red Lobster a liiiiitttle more. ha.
